She’s back (25 June 2011)! The voice was unmistakable. It was the same Mad Woman in Red Coat, although I’m pretty sure the middle button was missing – chewed off no doubt. She recognised me – she gave me a cock-eyed look – the same look Basil gave in The Germans, bandaged up and looking out for the doctor and nurse before making his getaway. She took on a bemused library assistant by asking her to pass on her congratulations to Hertfordshire County Council for funding the county’s libraries – an astonishing conversation that lasted 10 seconds between a dumbstruck library assistant and a raving lunatic.
After completing a circuit around the Historical Novels Mad Woman in Red Coat returned this time to announce that her friends had gone for a ‘girlie’ weekend to Budapest and had ‘forgotten’ to invite her! Jesus fucking Christ, I wonder why! There was enough time for this psychopath to announce that she had slept so well the previous night and that she was now floating in a dream world – I left the library shaking but grateful that her medication had kicked in.
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