Josef is back today (26 May) after a couple of weeks, and I thought he was dead which is a bit of a blow actually. His stench today resembles boiled in piss cabbage. He has no laptop and he looks desperate. You will probably think I’m making all this up but he is just sitting there opposite me, twiddling his fingers looking at everyone else’s laptop. He thinks we are friends. He looks over at me nods and smiles. Jesus he is insane. Just a moment ago he leaned over and asked if he could hook up to my USB port and play on some hand-held Russian-issue computer console, I said no – but what I really wanted to do was to rip his remaining teeth out with pliers.
He’s now eating stale bread, and making so much mess, oh no, he has started to piss Big Nose off. This could be fun! This lanky greasy git with long hair is doing an OU course in Advanced Space Exploration, it looks very molecular, he always brings his own food and lots of it, but anyway all you need to know about him is that he has a huge conk! Ah! The predicted bust up after a misunderstanding. Josef asks Big Nose about his course and what the snooker balls (I kid you not!) are all about and Big Nose freaks! Says something like “Why are you so bloody interested? It’s got nothing to do with you, now just leave me alone!” Enough Said! Josef continues to twiddle his fingers, smiles gormlessly and blows stale breath through the gap in his front teeth.
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