Sitting opposite Josef, the disgusting Romanian peasant today (10 June 2011) – Can’t cope with this anymore – he’s actually chucking dry cereal into his mouth. Can’t make out the brand because the pack is hidden deep inside his filthy rucksack but every so often his gibbon-like arm drops into the cereal pack, eye contact remains fixed on his online backgammon game, and after rustling inside the cellophane like a demented rat, scoops out a fistful of cornflakes and shovels them into his gaping gob. Can recognise they are a brand of cornflakes, that’s obvious, but oh look at him now, they don’t all make it into his orifice, some miserable flakes scramble their way free and get caught in his stubble and jumper. He’s seriously pissing me off now and I’ve only been in for a few minutes, haven’t even started on my muffin yet!
There’s so much fuckin noise in here today – I’m also convinced there’s an old git sitting by the newspapers having his leg amputated, without local anaesthetic – why is there so much noise??????
Out of date cereal continues to be scooped into Josef’s gob. Could be Special K, one flake lands not far from my laptop, its tempting to flick it back into his eye, thus maiming him. My analysis is now complete. They are not Special K, just ordinary fucking cornflakes! Who would believe me if I said he has chomped his way through half a pack of family size corn fuckin flakes. I just hope he doesn’t shit for a month.
By the way Mr Intense is still downloading child porn (I define children in their underwear bouncing on balloons as child porn, even if he is watching them on YouTube) – incredible really and he has his laptop with him – astounding – absolutely astounding.
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