Am I kidding myself but I'm sure I remember a time when libraries were sanctuaries for peace and quiet where one could concentrate on intellectual pursuits. Horse shit I hear you say and you are probably right. I remember as a child being thrown out of a library for whispering to a friend, mind you I had just dared and persuaded her to take her shorts off in a public area, but that’s another story and we were nine at the time!
But Library Assistants today don't even bother hushing noisy bastards up; in fact they positively encourage them by barking instructions across the podium. It’s as if they need to demonstrate their apparent computer knowledge, and now they have become liberated from days of chastisement. And they are always turning up to check up on something or other but they just stand on the podium, hands on hips, looking lost. Mrs Runningaround is the worst offender. Always rushing around, breasts being stretched and pulled in all directions, whilst and huffing and puffing, but what’s the bloody point! Yes, the library can do without Library Assistants and we would be better off without them I say. Today (25 May) ………
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