I can’t be sure when he appeared but he did (6 June 2011) and he’s not that far away, I can feel the tension, I can sense the forehead creasing up, I can smell the intensity and of course there’s the nervous tapping of his toes on the floor. Mr Intense has perched his arse on a swivel chair to my left and is checking out this most stunningly gorgeous blonde model on a dating website – and trust me Mr Intense is gross on all levels - and he is doing it with a perverted grin on his face, I shudder to think what kind of vile messages he is sending her. He’s making it all up, that’s what you are all thinking, but I’m not! Right now he is literally salivating, dripping over the property of East Herts District Council - the beast is on heat!
It’s a little later in the day now and he’s calmed down a bit and gone back to downloading child porn videos, he’s doing a lot of fiddling around with the computer base unit, it looks like he’s downloading all this stuff onto his memory stick. By rubbernecking I can make out the videos feature young, clothed girls and nekkid fully grown women sitting and bouncing on bouncing balls and balloons! I thought I was sexually liberated, but Jesus! He’s watching goddam balloon movies! Of course it’s only a public library so why should they be alarmed at one of their library members being a balloon fetishist?
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