Feeling rather desperate today (19 May) I queued up outside the local. With ten minutes to go before opening time I sadly recognised several of the diehards, even sadder, several recognised me. Gunner Rommel hobbled over to me and instantly started complaining about the country going to pot, he felt the need to inform me that Britain never actually declared war on Germany around the time of the Great War, I just wanted to sit somewhere warm and eat my low fat blueberry muffin. With eight minutes to go I played along with his game and went into a rant about the global domination of financial institutions which took Gunner Rommel by surprise a little but nevertheless he encouraged me, no, he was toying with me, by letting me know that an uncle of his had actually shot (murdered?) several Germans (soldiers I presumed) stone cold dead in the last war. I met this white-haired lunatic for the first time today, I’m not kidding, but with two minutes to go we had solved the North Korean crisis and were entering the library at 1pm on a Sunday (why on earth 1pm?) discussing increasing our military presence in Afghanistan. Praying that we would separate soon, as I was acutely conscious that library staff would assume a certain affinity between me and this mad man, I was relieved to see him wander off to the easy chairs to grab a copy of the Sunday Mail, what else?
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