The library was relatively calm yesterday (21 May), long enough anyway for me to read through a draft of a chapter. I did actually spot someone studying, but this could well have been an illusion, I hadn’t eaten, was hungry and was probably delusional, the calmness could not last for long. Soon in walked this tattooed animal, rippling with muscles, wearing a yellow vest, Bermuda shorts and black Dr Martens. He then stood in the middle of the podium (the raised section where all the PCs and study desks are laid out), flexed his muscles, breathed in deeply, waited until he had everyone's attention then announced to the world that "it fucking stinks in here!" Obviously everyone looked away immediately, avoiding any eye contact like the plague, because, trust me, this creature of doom was a category A psychopath. The Librarian Assistant hesitated before offering a floral aerosol can but this was of no help, if anything this seemed to annoy him even more. There was only one place this crazy person could sit, and that was several feet from me; he then instantly started fiddling around with the PC. Then he sprang up, screaming "now this computer doesn’t bloody work, what's wrong with this place." Admittedly, the PC had stopped working as soon as he started glaring at it, so he was moved one PC closer to me, this way I could join him in viewing BNP heavy metal boot boy music videos on YouTube, this lasted for a full 55 minutes. Obviously high on crack cocaine he departed the podium minutes later to the relief of, well at least me.
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