The plan today (11 June 2011) was to rewrite chapter 2 of the manuscript and foolishly chose the library as my place for inspiration. Setting down with a Starbuck’s skinny latte (sadly I’m beginning to use “skinny” now instead of “skimmed”, need to re-think this choice of words) and low fat blueberry muffin I notice that there’s a guy sitting next to me reading a newspaper. No, he can’t actually be reading anything – he has an illness, some sort of nervous disposition – he rattles the newspaper every time he turns a page making sure everybody on the podium turns round to stare at him, his actions are very similar to Rolf Harris playing the wobble board. Today for the first time in a long time I felt an overwhelming desire to murder someone – and it’s this guy with the newspaper, he reminds me a little of Frank Thornton who played Captain Peacock In “Are You Being served?” – Rubbish sitcom, but a massive hit. Anyway I simply nodded to him who returned my nod with an evil grin. As he continued to flap at his newspaper he occasionally twisted his neck towards me and glared as if I was stark raving was mad!
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